Scrap Mechanic Wiki

Capsules are Interactive Parts in Scrap Mechanic that spawn Robots or Animals when destroyed with a Weapon.

Robot Capsules[ | ]

Painting a capsule will paint the spawned robot. A painted robot will attack robots painted a color different than itself.

Image Name Robot
GreenTotebotCapsule Green Totebot Capsule Green Totebot
HaybotCapsule Haybot Capsule Haybot
TapebotCapsule Tapebot Capsule Blue Tapebot
RedTapebotCapsule Red Tapebot Capsule Red Tapebot
FarmbotCapsule Farmbot Capsule Farmbot

Animal Capsules[ | ]

Animal Capsules are paintable but don't paint the animal inside.

Image Name Animal
GlowbugCapsule Glowbug Capsule Glowb
WocCapsule Woc Capsule Woc