Scrap Mechanic Wiki

Commands can be entered into the chat to accomplish certain tasks.

Global Commands[]

These commands can be used in any gamemode.

Name Usage In-Game Description Notes
Help /help [(string)command] [(bool)brief] Shows help text Lists all available commands.
When used with a command name parameter, displays the usage and description for that command.
When used with a command name parameter followed by "true" or "1", displays the usage only.
Time /time Toggles timestamps in chat When enabled, chat messages will show a timestamp in front of the username.
Frame Rate Cap /frameratecap [(float)cap] Cap frame rate (FPS). 0=unlimited

Survival Mode Commands[]

These commands are only available in Survival Mode with Dev Mode enabled. The descriptions listed are the official in-game help descriptions (which may contain mistakes).

Name Usage In-Game Description Notes
Ammo /ammo [(int)quantity] Give ammo (default 50)
Spudgun /spudgun Give the spudgun
Gatling /gatling Give the potato gatling gun
Shotgun /shotgun Give the fries shotgun
Sunshake /sunshake Give 1 sunshake
Baguette /baguette Give 1 revival baguette
Keycard /keycard Give 1 keycard
Powercore /powercore Give 1 powercore
Components /components [(int)quantity] Give <quantity> components (default 10)
Glowsticks /glowsticks [(int)quantity] Give <quantity> components (default 10) Description is incorrect.
Gives the specified amount of Glowsticks.
Tumble /tumble [(bool)enable] Set tumble state Puts the Mechanic into a ragdoll state.
God /god Mechanic characters will take no damage Toggles godmode.
Respawn /respawn Respawn at last bed (or at the crash site)
Encrypt /encrypt Restrict interactions in all warehouses Enables the ability to remove globally restricted objects.
Enables Encryptor interactions.
Decrypt /decrypt Unrestrict interactions in all warehouses Removes the ability to remove globally restricted objects.
Disables Encryptor interactions.
Limited /limited Use the limited inventory Enables the standard Survival Mode inventory.
Unlimited /unlimited Use the unlimited inventory Enables an inventory similar to Creative Mode inventory, but with all Survival Mode items and objects available.
Ambush /ambush [(number)magnitude] [(int)wave] Starts a 'random' encounter An unused event where the Mechanic would be randomly attacked by a group of Robots in Survival Mode, similar to raids.
Time of Day /timeofday [(number)timeOfDay] Sets the time of the day as a fraction (0.5=mid day)
Time Progress /timeprogress [(bool)enabled] Enables or disables time progress
Day /day Disable time progression and set time to daytime
Spawn /spawn [(string)unitName] Spawn a unit: 'woc', 'tapebot', 'totebot', 'haybot' Full list of valid names: 'woc', 'tapebot'/'tb', 'redtapebot'/'rtb', 'totebot'/'green'/'t', 'totered'/'red'/'tr', 'haybot'/'h', 'worm', 'farmbot'/'f'.
Not specifying a name spawns the old male playermodel.
Harvestable /harvestable [(string)harvestableName] Create a harvestable: 'tree', 'stone' Full list of valid names: 'tree', 'stone', 'soil', 'fencelong', 'fenceshort', 'fencecorner', 'beehive', 'cotton'
Not specifying a name spawns the old male playermodel.
Clear Debug /cleardebug Clear debug draw objects
Export /export (string)name Exports blueprint $SURVIVAL_DATA/LocalBlueprints/<name>.blueprint
Import /import (string)name Imports blueprint $SURVIVAL_DATA/LocalBlueprints/<name>.blueprint
Starter Kit /starterkit Spawn a starter kit Spawns an orange Chest containing a Scrap Gas Engine, a Scrap Driver's Seat, a Scrap Seat, 4 Scrap Wheels, 6 Bearings, a Gas Container, 60 Gasoline, 512 Scrap Wood Blocks, 512 Scrap Metal Blocks, and 512 Scrap Stone Blocks.
Mechanic Start Kit /mechanicstartkit Spawn a starter kit for starting at mechanic station Spawns a black Chest containing 5 Sunshakes, 512 Scrap Wood Blocks, 256 Scrap Metal Blocks, 20 Glass Blocks, 10 Component Kits, 20 Gasoline, 20 Circuit Boards, 20 Chemicals, 20 Corn, 20 Pigment Flower, 15 Soil Bags, 10 Carrots, 10 Tomatoes, 20 Tomato Seeds, 20 Carrot Seeds, and 20 Redbeet Seeds.
Pipe Kit /pipekit Spawn a pipe kit Spawns a blue Chest containing a Vacuum Pump, 10 Vacuum Pipes, and 5 Vacuum Pipe Corners.
Food Kit /foodkit Spawn a food kit Spawns a yellow Chest containing 10 Bananas, 10 Blueberries, 10 Oranges, 10 Pineapples, 10 Carrots, 10 Redbeets, 10 Tomatoes, 10 Broccoli, 5 Sunshakes, 5 Veggie Burgers, 5 Pizza Burgers, 5 Revival Baguettes, 5 Woc Milk, and 5 Woc Steak.
Seed Kit /seedkit Spawn a seed kit Spawns a green Chest containing 20 Banana Seeds, 20 Blueberry Seeds, 20 Orange Seeds, 20 Pineapple Seeds, 20 Carrot Seeds, 20 Redbeet Seeds, 20 Tomato Seeds, 20 Broccoli Seeds, 20 Potato Seeds, and 50 Soil Bags.
Die /die Kill the player
Set HP /sethp (number)hp Set player hp value
Set Water /setwater (number)water Set player water value
Set Food /setfood (number)food Set player food value
Aggro All /aggroall All hostile units will be made aware of the player's position
Go To /goto (string)name Teleport to predefined position Full list of valid names: 'here', 'start', 'hideout'
Raid /raid (int)level [(int)wave] [(number)hours] Start a level <level> raid at player position at wave <wave> in <delay> hours.
Stop Raid /stopraid Cancel all incoming raids
Disable Raids /disableraids (bool)enabled Disable raids if true
Camera /camera Spawn a SplineCamera tool
No Aggro /noaggro [(bool)enable] Toggles the player as a target
Kill All /killall Kills all spawned units
Print Globals /printglobals Print all global lua variables
Clear Path Nodes /clearpathnodes Clear all path nodes in overworld
Enable Path Potatoes /enablepathpotatoes [(bool)enable] Creates path nodes at potato hits in overworld and links to previous node
Activate Quest /activatequest [(string)name] Activate quest Not specifying a name activates all quests.
Complete Quest /completequest [(string)name] Complete quest Not specifying a name completes all quests.
Set Tile Bool /settilebool (string)name (bool)value Set named tile value at player position as a bool
Set Tile Float /settilefloat (string)name (number)value Set named tile value at player position as a floating point number
Set Tile String /settilestring (string)name (string)value Set named tile value at player position as a bool Description is incorrect.
Sets the tile value as a string.
Print Tile Values /printtilevalues Print all tile values at player position
Reload Cell /reloadcell [(int)x] [(int)y] Reload cells at self or {x,y}
Tutorial Start Kit /tutorialstartkit Spawn a starter kit for building a scrap car

Challenge Mode Commands[]

These commands are only available in Challenge Mode.

Name Usage In-Game Description Notes
Save /save Save the challenge Only available in Challenge Builder.
Test /test Test the challenge
Stop /stop Stop the test

Creative Mode Commands[]

These commands are only available in Creative Mode.

Name Usage In-Game Description Notes
No Aggro /noaggro [(bool)enable] Toggles the player as a target
No Aggro Creations /noaggrocreations [(bool)enable] Toggles whether the Tapebots will shoot at creations
Aggro All /aggroall All hostile units will be made aware of the player's position
Pop Capsules /popcapsules [(string)filter] Opens all capsules. An optional filter controls which type of capsules to open: 'bot', 'animal'
Kill All /killall Kills all spawned units
Drop Scrap /dropscrap Toggles the scrap loot from Haybots
Place /place (string)harvestable Places a harvestable at the aimed position. Must be placed on the ground.
The harvestable parameter controls which harvestable to place: 'stone', 'tree', 'birch', 'leafy', 'spruce', 'pine'
Restrictions /restrictions [(bool)enable] Toggles restrictions on creations
Night /night Sets time of day to night
Day /day Sets time of day to day
Allow Clear /allowclear [(bool)enable] Enabled/Disables the /clear command Only the host can run this command.
Clear /clear Remove all shapes in the world. It must first be enabled with /allowclear

Dev Commands[]

These commands are only available when using the -dev launch option. They were the only commands available before 0.4.0, and could be used without -dev.

Name Usage Description Notes
Crash The Game /crashthegame Crashes the game Presumably for triggering a crash for debugging purposes.
List Players /listplayers Lists all players connected
Console /console Opens the console

Removed Commands[]

These commands have been removed from the game and cannot be used without Lua file editing.

Name Usage In-Game Description Gamemode(s) Notes
Recreate /recreate Recreate world Survival Resets the world to its initial state, removing all creations and player-placed objects.
Enable Lift /enable_lift [(bool)enable] Enables or disables lift. Challenge
Enable Sledgehammer /enable_sledgehammer [(bool)enable] Enables or disables sledgehammer.
Enable Connect Tool /enable_connecttool [(bool)enable] Enables or disables connecttool.
Enable Paint Tool /enable_painttool [(bool)enable] Enables or disables painttool.
Enable Weld Tool /enable_weldtool [(bool)enable] Enables or disables weldtool.
Enable Handbook /enable_handbook [(bool)enable] Enables or disables handbook.
Enable Spudgun /enable_spudgun [(bool)enable] Enables or disables spudgun.
Enable Client Toilet /enable_client_toilet [(bool)enable] Enables or disables client toilet.
Enable Ammo Consumption /enable_ammo_consumption [(bool)enable] Enables or disables ammo consumption. Spudguns and Mountable Spudguns will require and consume Potato ammo.
Enable Fuel Consumption /enable_fuel_consumption [(bool)enable] Enables or disables fuel consumption. Gas Engines and Electric Engines will require and consume fuel (Gasoline and Batteries, respectively).



  • 0.6.0
    • Added the following Survival Mode commands:
      • /settilebool
      • /settilefloat
      • /settilestring
      • /printtilevalues
      • /reloadcell
      • /tutorialstartkit
    • Added shortened names to /spawn
    • Added Red Totebot to /spawn
    • Added the following Challenge Mode commands:
      • /save
      • /test
      • /stop
    • Removed the following Challenge Mode commands:
      • /enable_lift
      • /enable_sledgehammer
      • /enable_connecttool
      • /enable_painttool
      • /enable_weldtool
      • /enable_handbook
      • /enable_spudgun
      • /enable_client_toilet
      • /enable_ammo_consumption
      • /enable_fuel_consumption
  • 0.5.0
    • Added the following Creative Mode commands:
      • /night
      • /day
      • /noaggro
      • /noaggrocreations
      • /aggroall
      • /popcapsules
      • /killall
      • /place
      • /dropscrap
      • /restrictions
      • /clear
      • /allowclear
    • Added the following Survival Mode commands:
      • /noaggro
      • /killall
    • Removed the /recreate command.
  • 0.4.8
    • Added the following Challenge Mode commands:
      • /enable_lift
      • /enable_sledgehammer
      • /enable_connecttool
      • /enable_painttool
      • /enable_weldtool
      • /enable_handbook
      • /enable_spudgun
      • /enable_client_toilet
      • /enable_ammo_consumption
      • /enable_fuel_consumption
    • Added the following Survival Mode commands:
      • /activatequest
      • /completequest
    • Removed the "group" parameter from the /spawn command.
  • 0.4.0
    • The /crashthegame and /console commands are now only available with the -dev launch parameter.
    • Added the following Survival Mode commands:
      • /ammo
      • /spudgun
      • /gatling
      • /shotgun
      • /sunshake
      • /baguette
      • /keycard
      • /powercore
      • /components
      • /glowsticks
      • /tumble
      • /god
      • /respawn
      • /encrypt
      • /decrypt
      • /limited
      • /unlimited
      • /ambush
      • /recreate
      • /timeofday
      • /timeprogress
      • /day
      • /spawn
      • /harvestable
      • /cleardebug
      • /export
      • /import
      • /starterkit
      • /mechanicstartkit
      • /pipekit
      • /foodkit
      • /seedkit
      • /die
      • /sethp
      • /setwater
      • /setfood
      • /aggroall
      • /goto
      • /raid
      • /stopraid
      • /disableraids
      • /camera
      • /printglobals
      • /clearpathnodes
      • /enablepathpotatoes


  • ???
    • Added the follwing commands:
      • /help
      • /time
      • /crashthegame
      • /listplayers
      • /console