Mechanic is the player character in Scrap Mechanic.
Stats[ | ]
The Mechanic has a maximum of 100 Health, Hunger, Thirst, and Air. The first three are restored by eating Food.
Health[ | ]
Health regenerates slowly over time. It can also be restored by eating certain Food items.
Health is restored at a rate of 1.25 per second when above 50 Hunger, and a rate of 0.83 per second when below 50 Hunger.
Standing in fire or chemical pools deal 10 damage per second.
Hunger[ | ]
Hunger is depleted at a rate of 0.79 per second. An additional 0.2 Hunger is depleted per second when regenerating Health.
Sprinting and carrying an object causes Hunger to be depleted more quickly.
Starvation causes 1 Health to be depleted per second.
Thirst[ | ]
Thirst is depleted at a rate of 1.11 per second.
Sprinting and carrying an object causes Thirst to be depleted more quickly.
Dehydration causes 2 Health to be depleted per second.
Air[ | ]
Air depletes at a rate of 1.67 per second when underwater. It resets to 100 when surfacing.
Drowning causes 5 Health to be depleted per second.
Death[ | ]
When the Mechanic loses all of their Health, they are knocked out, with a "dizzy" effect above their head and a Respawn prompt. In this state, they can be revived by another Mechanic by feeding them a Revival Baguette, setting all their stats to max.
If the knocked-out Mechanic chooses to respawn, they will appear in the last Bed or Respawn Bed that they slept in, or at the Crashed Maintenance Ship if they have not slept in a Bed. After respawning, they will have only 30 Health, Thirst, and Hunger. Because of this, having a Pizza Burger or Veggie Burger on hand is recommended.
The items the Mechanic had in their inventory when they died will be contained in a bag, excluding any Tools, which are kept. This bag is known as a "knockout bag" (K.O. bag for short). A bag icon will appear on the screen at the location of the bag, which will be visible from any location. This waypoint is visible only by the Mechanic who died, and will persist until the bag is emptied. If the Mechanic dies again with items in their inventory without collecting all the items from their bag, the previous waypoint will be removed and a new one will appear at the location of the newly created bag.
Note that the knockout bag will sink when in water or any other liquid. Dying close to a solid wall may cause the knockout bag to spawn inside the wall.
Character Tools[ | ]
Special tools are seen when performing certain actions. These are not items; they are purely visual.
Tool | Action(s) |
Hammer | Placing objects |
Impact Wrench | Placing objects onto Bearings |
Crowbar | Removing objects |
Multitool | Refining Resources |
Upcoming[ | ]
Lift Remote and Trowel (referred to as a shovel in the game files, but the model visually resembles a gardening trowel) character tools will be added, shown when the Lift is equipped and removing soil mounds, respectively. It is possible that the Lift Remote will also be shown when raising and lowering the Lift.
Trivia[ | ]
- The Mechanic measures approximately six blocks tall, which translates to 1.5 meters.
- The Impact Wrench is incorrectly referred to as an impact driver in the game files.